You chose Yellow Fluorite and Download.


Something’s not feeling right, what is it?  aren’t you implementing the divine information yo'u’ve received?

This Yellow Fluorite is strengthening your intellect, creativity, and understanding, it pulls you in line with your life purpose. It brings the energy of unity to new relationships and new interests.

With intuition, alignment, and purpose, you can’t make a wrong decision.  Even if later it feels like it was a wrong choice, in the moment you made it, it was correct. But when you don’t ask for a divine download, or use what download you’ve received, you’re not receiving the gifts of the universe.

What area of your business needs more attention, more planning, more alignment? Ask for the information, and you’ll receive it.

Create a plan.  Develop the creative solutions with the help of the divine guidance, and implement them.

This card is from the EarthFire BizOracle Deck, which has 54 cards and a 120 page guidebook, specifically designed to guide you through your business decisions.

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