You chose Pyrite and Resilience.


What’s weighing on you right now?  What’s the struggle - or where are you playing the victim?

The abundance is coming.  The Resilience card gives you creative solutions to that which may seem impossible to surmount. Your will to succeed is strong, and you have the ability to see this through. Nothing can pull you down, unless you let it.

Personal growth and success are just around the corner, over the bridge, and on the other side of this mountain climb.  Release the inhibiting behaviors that contribute to your patterns of self-sabotage in your business.

The Pyrite is a stone of manifestation, and it’s encouraging you to follow your dreams to attract abundance.

Create a plan and a structure, they contribute to your overall resilience and prosperity.

This card is from the EarthFire BizOracle Deck, which has 54 cards and a 120 page guidebook, specifically designed to guide you through your business decisions.

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