You chose Apophyllite and Relationship.


What about your business or life is in chaos in this moment?What’s out of balance, energetically, financially, or personally - and how are you reacting to it?

Rely on your strengthening intuition to see the way to bring your current reality into alignment with the true nature of what is occurring.  Your business is strengthening, but may feel out of control or inconsistent. When things aren’t going exactly to plan, how do you view them? What is your relationship to the present situation?

Create a plan, add structure to your days, and know that the direction you’re headed is correct.  Even if it’s not fully clear at this instant.

The apophyllite crystal brings you peace in the middle of this chaotic time, but your intuition will guide you through until your business stabilizes. Follow it, without fail.

This card is from the EarthFire BizOracle Deck, which has 54 cards and a 120 page guidebook, specifically designed to guide you through your business decisions.

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